1. Downsize meals
Don't be tempted to have massive meals. Eat small, regular meals to keep your metabolism rate up and don't forget to include 5 different types of fruits and vegetables every day.
2. Try Chromium
Chromium can help table unstable blood sugar levels so you avoid reaching for the biscuit tin after lunch.
3.Lift Weights
On average people over 25 lose 1 pound of muscle tissue every year and this slows down your metabolism. But gaining 1 pound of muscle increases your metabolic rate so that you'll burn an extra 50 calories a day.
4.Go Green
Green tea can raise your metabolism so you burn off extra calories. Research has found that men who drink green tea burn more calories than those who drink ordinary tea.
5.Do Yoga
Middle aged men or women who practice yoga for at least 30 minutes once a week gained less weight than those who don't practice yoga.
6.Change your snacks
Swap sugary snacks for a small handful of unsalted Brazil nuts, pumpkin sunflower seeds or dried fruit.
7. Count on Calcium
A recent study in the American Dietetic Association showed that women in their 50s who took a calcium supplement every day put on less weight as apposed to 45 than women who did not.
8. Work on your waist
It's important to combine sit ups with a healthy lifestyle as stomach muscles are often hidden below a layer of fat. Activate your stomach muscles by doing 10-15 slow sit ups a day.
9. Eat Healthy Fats
The University of Southern Australia found that people who took daily doses of fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids and did moderate exercise 3 times a week lost more weight than those who exercised but took sunflower oil supplements instead.
10. Drink Water
People often mistake dehydration for hunger. Try drinking a glass of water and then wait for half an hour to see if you are still hungry.
Mike Toal is the author of many articles on dieting and healthy weight loss. For more information on this and other weight loss plans visit his website http://www.weight-loss-programs.co.uk
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Toal
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