Follow these Top 12 Movement Lifestyle Nutritional Tips and watch your body shape change and your health soar. Remember that 80% of body shape transformation is down to what you eat
1. Avoid the 4 White Devils – Pasteurised dairy / White Flour / White Sugar / White/Table Salt
2. Eat Organic – increased mineral and vitamin density, significant reduction in exogenous chemical intake – Look for Soil Association certified
3. Eat raw vegetables once a day – sprouted/live salads are ideal here
4. Slow cooking – be very wary of denaturing fats and amino acids in your good quality produce. Overheating good produce is wasting it. Using a slow cooker or long slow roasting is best.
5. Protein – consume protein with every meal. Amino acids are the building blocks of life and are found more densely in animal products.
6. Avoid Soy – Contains thyroid inhibitors plus phytic acid which are mineral blockers and can cause gas. Upwards of 50% of the world’s soy crops are GM and with 3rd generation rats becoming sterile in a study of GM soy, I’d stay away!
7. Soaking grains – It is important to soak all grains, pulses, nuts and seeds prior to eating them to release the phytic acid that blocks the mineral uptake when eating these foods unsoaked. Commercially produced equivalents are acid washed to do this, be careful.
8. Alcohol – always make sure that you consume alcohol with fat and protein and never on an empty stomach.
9. Water – drink 3% of your body weight in KGs each day, for example if you weigh 100kg you need 3litres each day. Any teas or coffee consumed needs to be balanced with additional cups of water. I.e. 1 cup of coffee = 3litres of water plus 1 cup.
10. Salt – Add a pinch of good quality sea salt to each litre of water you drink, it increases mineral absorption and delivers better hydration.
11. Never use a microwave – foods that have been cooked in a microwave have particles that resemble plastic under a microscope after they have been cooked in one.
12. Eat every 3-4 hours to help balance blood sugar levels and avoid over eating and sugar craving particularly in the afternoons.
12 hours ago
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