An easy way to make money in the fitness industry

Step 1: get a book that was published several years ago
Step 2: stress the word 'new' in the title
Step 3: design some advertisements
Step 4: Even though the CURRENT price is $21.95 and the Amazon price is much lower sell it for even more than the RRP - a huge 40% more than the RRP to your poor sad recipients of your emails!
Step 5: Then email people in the UK and charge $32 for something that is on Amazon UK for less than a tenner...


Here is just one of many crap reviews:

"Eight basic free weight exercises, one set each to failure, twice a week. Its about as effective as working out more. Why? Because overload, whether on the first set or the tenth set, is sufficient to stimulate muscle growth. Also the body takes a longer time to fully recover than people give it.

That paragraph covers the content of this book. The rest is a poorly written mix of fact and fiction filled with the following;

Useless anecodes of the sociopathic Arthur Jones insulting various people and making bizzare threats of violence. A quote from one of his lectures... "How would you feel if your were trapped on an island, and all of the inhabitants, apart from yourself, were retarded, malicious, chimpanzees? Don't laugh, because you are one of those retarded, malicious, chimpanzees."

Nostalgic musings about how the author and pals hung out on some ranch in speedo's and compared the roundness and firmness of their gluts... but in a man way.

Some instructions on how to do obscure exercises like... bench presses and barbell curls.

A ridiculous story about how a former marine, recruited to transform his body in just 66 days, loses 50 lbs of fat, and gains like 40 lbs of muscle. In nine weeks. Photos of him in his underwear too... one where he pushes his stomach out, and another where he sucks it in. These are called before and after photos of 50 lbs of weight loss. Then he apparently hits the roid's and injects his muscles with posing oil so that he can look real buff. This is called 30 lbs of muscle. It didn't look like it.

The author comments that this is more muscle than he has ever seen or heard of anyone building in such a short time. Ah.. but he cautions that this was a former marine, so that makes sense why he could gain so much. The author comments earlier that Arthur Jones, his mentor, said most body builders are so stupid they couldn't even spell the word 'muscle'.

He must think we are all retarded, malicious, chimpanzees to buy that story.

Pick another book on High Intensity Training. Any other book. "

And this is what the 2009 advertisement says about the 2005 book:

The New
High Intensity Training

will help you discover how to:

  • Benefit from the HIT philosophy- harder, but shorter, workouts

  • Determine your genetic potential to develop large muscles

  • Develop broader shoulders and a deeper chest in only 2 weeks.

  • Follow a quick-gain nutrition plan for boosting and supporting mass."

1 comment:

  1. Uh, that is just wrong. There are all types out there! Wow.
